Most property managers are faced with a tough decision every year or two. The contracts that they have with their landscaping companies usually last just about that time span. Like in any other market, these property managers are constantly reevaluating, ensuring that they are getting the best deal for the best service in their landscape. Rightfully so, the job of the property manager is to maintain the property in a way that most helps the bottom line. There are many boxes that a prospective company must check, especially as a commercial property grows in size and scope. As a property manager the commercial landscaper you end up using needs to be capable of performing all the services you need. These are a few ways you can tell if your landscaper is commercial-grade, or not.

Experience: Years in the Industry

It is borderline impossible to become a commercial landscaping outfit overnight. Most landscapers start off simple, with a mower and residential properties. It takes many years to work up from there, gaining both the experience and the staff to be able to service commercial properties. Thus, the first way you can judge whether a company can truly service your commercial property is if they have been in the business for a while, servicing commercial properties. For Pezza, we have been serving the Chicago area for over 70 years, so you would be hard-pressed to find a more experienced contractor.

Staff: More Space More People

Unlike a residential landscape, a commercial landscape cannot be serviced by a one or two-man crew. Commercial landscaping companies need many large crews to be able to provide service to their many commercial clients on a daily basis. If a company does not have the staff to service your property, they cannot be commercial grade. This will inevitably lead to problems with reliability and quality of work. Without adequate staffing, work will be rushed and sloppy, which you cannot have on your prestigious property.

Do You Have A Commercial-Grade Landscaper?Equipment: Must be Commercial Grade

Commercial landscaping cannot be done without commercial-grade equipment, it is as simple as that. For a property of any commercial size, you are going to require commercial-grade mowers, large trucks to carry said mowers, and not to mention snow plows for the wintertime in Chicago. Although we will not dedicate an entire section to it in this blog, the ability to provide full-service landscaping is also integral, and only exists if all the right commercial-grade equipment is possessed.

 Credibility: Associations and Certifications

Another way to look at a company and determine if they are commercial grade is with its associations and certifications. Any credible commercial landscaping company will be a part of both its local and national landscaping association (NALP). You can also look out for certifications from their individual employees who are specialists in their fields. Arbor care, pest control, and snow removal certifications all exist from various organizations, and only add credibility to a company.

Do you have a commercial-grade landscaper? Pezza Landscape, Inc. is a full-service landscaping company proudly serving the Chicagoland area and its surrounding suburbs. Give us a call at (630) 393-7373 or visit our website to get in touch.